The increasing use of learning management systems has changed how teachers prepare and evaluate students. Teachers and students at Georgia Tech prefer Canvas. One of your biggest duties as a teacher is inputting assignment grades into Canvas quickly and properly. This article is for Georgia Tech professors. Therefore, we’ll explain how to submit Canvas assignment grades. 

Access Your Canvas Course

Logging into Georgia Canvas Gatech with your credentials is the first step to improved grade management. After logging in to Canvas, your dashboard will link all your courses. Choose the class for which you’ll enter assignment grades before moving on.

Navigate to the Gradebook

Choose “Grades” or “Gradebook” from the course navigation menu on the left of Canvas. This should be done while aggressively pursuing your goal. You may view and change your students’ assignment grades in the grading system’s heart.

Choose a Task

Under “Gradebook,” you’ll find a categorized list of course assignments and activities. To input grades, choose the assignment or activity from the drop-down menu. That link takes you to a homework website. You may monitor student performance on this website.

Grade Entry

You’ll find a list of all class members on the assignment page. The next step is finding the student’s grade in the assignment column cell. Double-click to modify this cell. With all the information, you may confidently input the student’s grade. Each kid in your class will do this numerous times.

Save Grades

Each grade you submit may be saved instantaneously by pressing “Enter” or clicking elsewhere on the page. Click “Save” or “Update” at the bottom of the page before going on to the next student or activity. If you save the page, your modifications will be recovered.

Review and Verify

If your course has several assignments, you may always return to the Gradebook by choosing “Grades” or “Gradebook” from the main menu. Doing so lets you resume grading. Repeat Steps 3–5 for each successive assignment, meticulously tracking student progress.

Review Your Work

Double-check grades after inputting them to ensure accuracy. It would be best if you double-checked your grades to verify accuracy. Your classroom needs a trustworthy grading system to foster trust and fairness.

Publish Grades (Optional)

Your students can only see their Canvas grades once you enable them. Find and click “Publish” or “Post” in the Gradebook. This lets pupils view their grades. Students may quickly evaluate their performance after this.

Communicate with Students

The pupils may be informed once the grades are published. Inform students of their grade reports through Canvas. Open communication helps students stay involved in their academics.


Technology has given teachers more time to teach and less time to do paperwork. Grading student work and entering findings into Canvas is vital to transforming Georgia Tech’s online education. If teachers follow this precise plan, they will have more time to assist students in navigating the educational world while effectively grading. Canvas is the key to a more engaging and effective classroom.


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